您好,X Spot Markets平台目前有多个监管。
该平台宣称X Spot Markets(EU) Ltd.受塞浦路斯CySEC 235/14、英国FCA 655426、德国BaFin 141183以及法国REGAFI 75060。
经查询,塞浦路斯CySEC 235/14对应平台名称为X Spot Markets (EU) Ltd,登记邮箱为mnikolaou@xspot.markets,登记网址为www.xspot.markets。查询英国FCA 655426对应平台名称为X SPOT MARKETS (EU) LTD,登记网址为https://xspot.markets/。
查询德国BaFin 141183对应平台名称为X Spot Markets (EU) LTD。在法国REGAFI官网上查询到一家名称为X spot markets (EU) Ltd的平台,但请注意,法国REGAFI不监管外汇!
Black Platform XS.com empty shell official website induces investors to enter gold without regulatory technology companies!Multiple supervision and insurance claims are actually fishing in the water!
MC Forex "Mo Shi Holding Group" again scams!If the licensee is carried by others, the logo to carry others, even the company's address must be copied by others!Please note!
¡Black Platform XS.Com Se vacía, el sitio web oficial de Shell induce a los inversores a ingresar al oro sin compañías de tecnología regulatoria!¡Múltiples reclamos de supervisión y seguros en realidad están pescando en el agua!
Black Platform Xs.com Site oficial da Shell vazia Induz os investidores a entrar em ouro sem empresas de tecnologia regulatória!Múltiplas reivindicações de supervisão e seguro estão na verdade pescando na água!
¡Mc Forex "Mo Shi Holding Group" nuevamente estafa!Si otros llevan al licenciatario, el logotipo para llevar a otros, ¡incluso la dirección de la compañía debe ser copiada por otros!¡Tenga en cuenta!
Le site Web officiel de la plate-forme noire Xs.com vide Shell incite les investisseurs à entrer dans l'or sans sociétés technologiques réglementaires!De multiples réclamations de supervision et d'assurance pêchent en fait dans l'eau!
Exnmarkets trapped in the quagmire.Intersection
MC Forex "Mo Shi Holding Group" novamente golpes!Se o licenciado for transportado por outros, o logotipo para transportar outros, até o endereço da empresa deve ser copiado por outros!Observe!
The profit is more than two thousand, and the gold buckle is ninety -seven?Junno Financial Junomarkets Are you cutting leeks?!
DOOPRIME DOOPRIME exposes the malicious slide point, claiming that the 20+ licenses are not regulated by all transaction software!
ACYSECURITIES community donation!The temptation operation was exposed by big customers, and the Chinese people's transactions are traps!